What's my order status / Has my order shipped?
Order Status
You will receive an order confirmation via email within 24 hours of placing your online order. If you do not receive your order confirmation, please contact Customer Service at info@xcelwetsuits-ca.com.
You will also receive a shipping confirmation via email when your order has been shipped from our warehouse. It will contain information to track your order. Please note: some carriers do not scan parcels at pick up so detailed tracking information could be delayed by up to 48hr and it may incorrectly appear your order in not in transit.
If it has been more than a 4 business days since placing your order and you have not yet received your shipping confirmation, please contact Customer Service at info@xcelwetsuits-ca.com for and update.
Please note that Xcel is closed on all weekends & Holidays and for the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. Any orders placed during these times will be accepted, but will not be processed until the warehouse reopens.
Delivery Times
Xcel Canada attempts to process and ships all order within 2 business days from Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Typical transit times varies between 2-15 business days and varies based on where you are located, with Quebec and Maritimes being the longest.
Our carriers do not guarantee delivery dates but if you require an order by a specific date please make a comment when placing your order and we will respond with and ETA and give you the option to have your order refunded prior to fulfilling it.
What are Xcel's product warranties? Can I send my product in to be repaired?
Warranty claims are for product being sent to Xcel for repair. For returns or exchanges of Xcel Canada online purchases, please visit Ordering & Returns.
Wetsuits purchased from Xcel Canada are warranted for ONE YEAR from original purchase date. UV accessories and apparel warranted for THREE MONTHS from original purchase date. For items purchased outside of Canada. please contact the dealer purchase from.
Xcel is the only party authorized to determine warranty eligibility. Submitting a warranty claim does not guarantee repair or replacement. Product sent to us for warranty will be evaluated for repair (or replacement) at Xcel's sole discretion.
Warranties only apply to Defects in Materials or Workmanship. The following circumstances will not be covered under Xcel Canada warranty:
- Repairs, or alterations, to any area of the product done or attempted by anyone other than an authorized Xcel repair facility.
- Products classified as seconds, samples, or purchased used.
- Damage from sunlight, excess heat, chlorine, improper recreational use or care, or any damage beyond the product's natural life expectancy.
- Wear & Tear (abrasions, cuts, material compressions...)
- Warranty claim requests without valid proof of purchase.
- Wetsuits over 12 month from original purchase date.
- UV, Accessories, and/or Apparel products over 3 months from original purchase date.
- Items used commercially or as rentals
- Items purchase from a non-authorized dealer or dealers outside of Canada.
Warranty claims are for product being sent to Xcel for repair. For returns of Xcel online purchases, please visit Ordering & Returns.
How do I care for my Xcel product?
You can help maximize the natural product life of your wetsuit by:
- Rinsing your product after each use with fresh, cool water (hot water reduces neoprene flexibility).
- Hanging your product to dry inside-out on a plastic or wooden hanger in the shade (sunlight damages neoprene).
- Occasionally rinsing your product in non-bleach, mild laundry detergent sudsy water.
- Avoiding heating or folding your product (that includes leaving it in a crumpled heap in the back of your car).
- Wetsuits should never be ironed or put in a clothes washer or dryer.
Does Xcel publish a product catalog?
Currently Xcel does not publish a retail product catalog. For the most up-to-date Xcel product information, please visit our SHOP.
My store is interested in becoming an authorized Xcel dealer. How do we do it?
Xcel highly values the business we do with our authorized dealers, and will consider new dealer opportunities with stores/shops and online sellers. Please email us at info@xcelwetsuits.com, with your shop and contact information, if you are interested in becoming a dealer of Xcel merchandise.
Is your site secure?
Our secure servers protect your information using advanced encryption and firewall technology throughout the ordering process. Most browsers will show a lock icon in the bottom status bar on secure pages. Look for this icon on any Web page that asks for your personal information. To further ensure your security, we use state of the art SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to protect your personal information from unauthorized use.